Solar Panels using green energy

We gain a percentage of our energy at The Cottage Lodge Hotel from the solar panels that we have installed. These take in all the lovely sunshine the south coast is very lucky to benefit from and turn it into green energy. We love doing our bit to be environmentally friendly and this in turn helps our energy bills too!

Solar panel fitting green energy

Why we use solar power

Lower electricity bills. Sunlight is free, so once the initial installation is paid, the electricity costs are greatly reduced.
Cuts down our carbon footprint. Solar panel electricity is green renewable energy. It doesn’t release any harmful carbon dioxide or other pollutants.

A typical home solar PV system could save around 1.3 to 1.6 tonnes of carbon per year (depending where you are within the UK).

Here in the South of England a 4kWp system can generate around 4,200 kilowatt hours of electricity a year. That’s the same amount of electricity as it takes to turn the London Eye 56 times. It will save around 1.6 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. 

We have made sure to invest in solar panels and use this clean green energy to reduce our CO2 footprint. We are fortunate to live in a micro climate that helps us generate the energy that we need.

The facts

Solar panel electricity systems, also known as photovoltaics (PV), capture the sun’s energy using photovoltaic cells. These cells don’t need direct sunlight to work – they can still generate some electricity on a cloudy day.

The solar panel cells convert the sunlight into green electricity energy, this is then used to run household appliances and lighting.  Within a hotel as you can imagine we have a number of these appliances. So a simple change like adding solar panels means a very big difference for us.


Solar PV also needs little maintenance . We just need to keep the panels relatively clean and make sure neighbouring trees don’t begin to overshadow them.

In time we hope to discreetly add more to our hotel and cut even more CO2 from our business.

information from

We are doing more eco-friendly actions that will impact positively
on your experience whenever you stay with us in the New Forest

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